Single-cell Atlas of Human Skin Wound Healing

Exploring the cell information vs gene expression on reduced dimensions

In this tab, users can visualise both cell information and gene expression side-by-side on low-dimensional representions.

Dimension Reduction

Subsetting cells

General graphics controls

Cell information

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Gene expression

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Gene Expression in Each Condition

Cell information / gene expression violin plot / box plot

In this tab, users can visualise the gene expression or continuous cell information across groups of cells (e.g. condition / cell types).

Subsetting cells

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Multiple gene expressions bubbleplot / heatmap

In this tab, users can visualise the gene expression patterns of multiple genes grouped by categorical cell information (e.g. condition / cell types).
The normalised expression are averaged, log-transformed and then plotted.

Subsetting cells

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This tool was built on ShinyCell